Applescript legge i dati specifici di iWork Numbers


Sto cercando di ottenere i dati da una tabella in Numbers. Ho un numero di indice, ho bisogno di ottenere il nome associato con esso in applescript. (Alla fine ho bisogno di impostare i nomi dei file con una delle colonne di questo foglio numerico)

ecco cosa ho ottenuto:

tell application "iTunes"
    repeat with theTrack in selection
        set theFile to location of theTrack
        tell application "Finder" to set theName to name of theFile
        set surahNameAsString to characters 1 thru 3 of theName as text
        --set album of theTrack to surahName
        set surahNumber to surahNameAsString as integer
        log ("here")

        set aName to my getAName(surahNumber)

        --set the year of theTrack to 1985

    end repeat
end tell

on getAName(surahNumber)
    tell application "Numbers"
        set t to front document's active sheet's first table's cell whose value is surahNumber
        --set t to front document's active sheet's first table's first column
        repeat with c in t
            set theValue to c's value
        end repeat
    end tell
    return theValue
end getAName
posta Marci-man 01.01.2015 - 04:08

1 risposta


questo è il modo in cui l'ho risolto:

tell application "iTunes"

    repeat with theTrack in selection

        set theFile to location of theTrack
        tell application "Finder" to set theName to name of theFile

        set ayahInSurahCount to 0

        --set ayah information from the name of the track

        set surahNumAsString to characters 1 thru 3 of theName as text
        set surahNumber to surahNumAsString as integer

        set ayahNumberAsString to characters 4 thru 6 of theName as text
        set ayahNumber to ayahNumberAsString as integer
        -- finished

        set track number of theTrack to ayahNumber
        set genre of theTrack to "Genre"
        --getting information from the number sheet
        set aName to my getAName(surahNumber)
        --set englishName to my getEnglishName(surahNumber)
        -- finished
        set the album of theTrack to surahNumAsString & "-" & aName
        set artist of theTrack to "Abdul Basit"
        set shufflable of theTrack to false
        --set description of theTrack to englishName
        set name of theTrack to ayahNumberAsString & " - "

    end repeat
end tell

on getAName(surahNumber)
    tell application "Numbers"
        tell document 1
            tell sheet 1
                tell table 1
                    set ret to value of cell 1 of row surahNumber
                    --set value of cell 5 of row 1 to "Salam"
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
    return ret
end getArabicName

on getEnglishName(surahNumber)
    tell application "Numbers"
        tell document 1
            tell sheet 1
                tell table 1
                    set ret to value of cell 3 of row surahNumber
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
    return ret
end getEnglishName
risposta data 01.01.2015 - 14:20

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