Dopo ulteriori indagini ho scoperto che LoaderAgent fa parte dell'installazione di AVG LinkScanner. Quindi scarica il programma di installazione e usa il programma di disinstallazione in dmg. Rimuove e file e cartelle supplementari.
Solo per la tenuta dei registri, la mia risposta precedente:
Which AVG Antivirus did you install? Did you get the installer package from a reliable source?
The latest AVG Antivirus for Mac doesn't create a folder named AVG in /Library/Application Support/ - at least for me using the free installer and not subscribing to any additional services or installing AVG Cleaner or PrivacyFix. Instead the folder is named com.avg.Antivirus. Especially it doesn't contain a in any of the subfolders. Moreover I can't uninstall it "using the AVG website".
To get rid of the remnants of your AVG deinstallation, download and install "LaunchControl"
Open the app and search for avg in Global Agents/Global Daemons.
Uncheck all radio buttons to disable the jobs
Quit LaunchControl, go to /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchAgents, check for plists containing avg and open
Enter sudo launchctl unload <-Drop the *.plist here
and hit Enter to unload all related services. If the plist is a symbolic link or an alias right-click it and choose "Show Original" and use the original plist. You have to enter an admin password then.
Repeat that for every plist containing *.avg.
Then enter sudo rm <-Drop the *.plist here
and hit Enter
Repeat that for every plist containing *.avg.
Navigate to /Library/Application Support/ with
cd /Library/Application\ Support
and hit Enter.
Then enter sudo rm -dfR AVG
and hit Enter.
Restart your Mac.