Pop up su Mac di AVG


Ho installato AVG antivirus, quindi l'ho eliminato utilizzando il sito Web di AVG. Continuo a ricevere popup sul mio iMac usando Yosemite 10.10 che dichiara il rapporto sui problemi per Loader Agent. Il popup persiste anche se il programma è stato cancellato correttamente. Il percorso del file è: Library/Application Support/AVG/*/LoaderAgent.app./Contents/MacOS/ . Il supporto di AVG non è stato utile per eliminare il popup.

Si prega di avvisare.

posta walt sitarzs 12.03.2015 - 02:54

2 risposte


Dopo ulteriori indagini ho scoperto che LoaderAgent fa parte dell'installazione di AVG LinkScanner. Quindi scarica il programma di installazione e usa il programma di disinstallazione in dmg. Rimuove LoaderAgent.app e file e cartelle supplementari.

Solo per la tenuta dei registri, la mia risposta precedente:

Which AVG Antivirus did you install? Did you get the installer package from a reliable source?

The latest AVG Antivirus for Mac doesn't create a folder named AVG in /Library/Application Support/ - at least for me using the free installer and not subscribing to any additional services or installing AVG Cleaner or PrivacyFix. Instead the folder is named com.avg.Antivirus. Especially it doesn't contain a LoaderAgent.app in any of the subfolders. Moreover I can't uninstall it "using the AVG website".

To get rid of the remnants of your AVG deinstallation, download and install "LaunchControl"

Open the app and search for avg in Global Agents/Global Daemons.


Uncheck all radio buttons to disable the jobs


Quit LaunchControl, go to /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchAgents, check for plists containing avg and open Terminal.app

Enter sudo launchctl unload <-Drop the *.plist here and hit Enter to unload all related services. If the plist is a symbolic link or an alias right-click it and choose "Show Original" and use the original plist. You have to enter an admin password then. Repeat that for every plist containing *.avg.

Then enter sudo rm <-Drop the *.plist here and hit Enter Repeat that for every plist containing *.avg.

Navigate to /Library/Application Support/ with cd /Library/Application\ Support and hit Enter.

Then enter sudo rm -dfR AVG and hit Enter.

Restart your Mac.

risposta data 12.03.2015 - 12:36

L'hai disinstallato con il programma di disinstallazione o lo hai trascinato nel cestino?

To uninstall AVG Antivirus for Mac:

  1. Run the AVG AntiVirus for Mac.
  2. Click the AVG AntiVirus Menu bar, and then click Uninstall AVG AntiVirus.
  3. Click Uninstall AVG AntiVirus.
  4. Follow the AVG AntiVirus Uninstaller to finish the uninstallation process.

    Note: Please do not uninstall AVG AntiVirus by dragging it's icon into Trash, as this will not uninstall the application correctly. In such case, please install AVG AntiVirus again, and then follow the instructions above to uninstall the application.

Fonte - link

risposta data 12.03.2015 - 08:45

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