Problema del calendario Apple iPhone


In qualche modo il calendario sul mio telefono mostra solo il calendario annuale 2015. Come posso tornare a vedere il programma giornaliero?

posta user115234 19.02.2015 - 00:50

1 risposta


normalmente sarebbe come questo:

Launch the Calendar app on your iPhone.
By default, you'll normally see a month view.

Tap on the list button in the top navigation to combine month view with a summary view underneath it. 

Ogni giorno che tocchi mostrerai tutti gli eventi per quel giorno al di sotto di esso.

Tap the month in the upper left to pan out to year view.

Alternately, from month view, you can also tap any day on the calendar to view a day view. Keep in mind that in order for day view to work, you need to have the list option turned off in month view.

Lastly, tap the list button in the top of day view in order to view a scrollable endless stream of all of your events.
risposta data 19.02.2015 - 00:52

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