Airport Extreme PPPoE auth e wireless


Il mio provider richiede un'autenticazione PPPoE per Internet e non so come farlo con Airport Extreme per far funzionare il wireless. Posso collegarmi a Internet via ethernet usando le credenziali fornite, ma il wi-fi non ha una connessione internet, probabilmente perché non c'è un ponte tra il wi-fi e l'ethernet su Airport Extreme.

Qualche idea su come posso farlo funzionare in modo che possa lavorare sia su ethernet che su wi-fi?

posta Romeo Mihalcea 04.07.2015 - 22:25

1 risposta


Dalla tua descrizione hai un modem fornito dal tuo ISP e un access point separato o un router wireless dato da loro che al momento ti offre l'accesso Wi-Fi a Internet.

Devi sostituire questo access point o router con Airport Extreme. Apri (o scarica, se sei su una scatola di Windows) l'app Airport Utility che ti permetterà di configurare Airport Extreme. Quindi segui le istruzioni fornite nella pagina di supporto Apple :

AirPort Utility 6.x: Connect to the Internet using PPPoE

Some DSL and cable modem Internet service providers require you to use Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) to connect to the Internet.

If you’re using a DSL or cable modem, make sure it’s connected to the telephone or cable jack, and to your wireless device’s wide area network (WAN) port before setting up your base station.

  1. Open AirPort Utility, located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder, select the device you want to set up, then click Edit. Enter the password if necessary.
  2. Click Internet, then choose PPPoE from the Connect Using pop-up menu.

  • Enter the account name, password, and any other information your Internet service provider gave you. When you set up your base station or your AirPort Time Capsule to connect using PPPoE, the device receives an IP address from your ISP automatically, and uses DHCP and NAT to share that IP connection with computers on your wireless network.

  • Choose Always On, Automatic, or Manual from the Connection pop-up menu. If you choose Always On, your wireless device stays connected to your modem and the Internet as long as the modem is turned on.

    • If you choose Automatic or Manual from the Connection pop-up menu, you need to choose an increment, such as “10 minutes,” from the “Disconnect if idle” pop-up menu. If you don’t use an Internet app after the period of time has passed, you are disconnected from the Internet.

    • If you choose Automatic, your wireless device connects to the modem, which connects to the Internet when you use an app that requires an Internet connection, such as an email, instant message, or web app.

    • If you choose Manual, you need to connect the modem to the Internet when you use an app that requires an Internet connection.

  • Choose an increment of time, such as 30 minutes, from the “Disconnect if idle” pop-up menu if you want to force the base station to disconnect from the Internet when it isn’t used for the specified amount of time.

  • Click Update to reset the wireless device with the new settings. If your web browser reports a connection error when you access the Internet, wait until your computer is connected to the AirPort network and make sure the network is connected to the Internet.
  • To check the connection, use the wireless connection status icon in the menu bar on a Mac, and the wireless network icon in the status tray on a Windows computer.

    Nella scheda Wireless, selezionare "Crea una rete wireless" e specificare la sicurezza, SSID e password. Puoi controllare le opzioni aggiuntive, ma semplifichiamo.

    NellaschedaReteènecessarioselezionare"DHCP e NAT" sulla modalità router (non mi consente di modificarlo, probabilmente perché ho selezionato "Crea una rete wireless" nella scheda Wireless).

    Controlla le tue impostazioni e commenta se questo non risolve la tua domanda.

    risposta data 06.07.2015 - 03:36

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