Esiste un aggiornamento per Apple Hardware Test? Si blocca durante il test


Apple Hardware Test 3.3.1 -3A152 viene fornito con il mio MacBook Pro 17 ", 2008 sul DVD / CD OSX 10.6.3 incluso. Quando lo uso sul mio Mac non-boot, AHT si blocca e non finisce mai test e quindi non c'è lista dei risultati.

Desidera che AHT elencherà l'hardware testato e mostrerà i risultati mentre procede, passo dopo passo. Invece di elencare i risultati alla fine, quando AHT potrebbe essere bloccato - senza risultati ...

posta RonQu 30.12.2015 - 05:02

1 risposta


Ci sono stati molti aggiornamenti ...
sfortunatamente la tua macchina è troppo vecchia per usarli.

Può utilizzare solo una versione basata su DVD, non l'ultimo test basato su Internet.

C'è un post sul blog su come avviare AHT da un file AHT scaricato, caricato su una chiave USB, ma per poterlo costruire è necessario un Mac funzionante.

Da: Riven by Five - Scarica ed esegui Apple Hardware Test (AHT) da un'unità USB.

Le mie aggiunte in corsivo

1) Download the AHT for your computer (see downloads below for specific models).

1b) My copy had me convert the downloaded .dmg from some “old” type using Disk Utility. (Just open the .dmg in Disk Utility and “Convert” to a new target, then mount the target.)

2) Mount and completely wipe a USB stick.
Format it GUID/Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Most USB sticks will be MBR/FAT by default, so just formatting to Mac OS without changing the underlying structure to GUID will not work

3) From the AHT image, copy /System to the root folder of your USB stick:
by typing the following in Terminal [Applications/Utilities]

cd /Volumes/USB_STICK/ && cp -r ~/AHT_ARCHIVE/System

4) Now, from the USB drive, copy the /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics/diags.efi to the root directory:

cd /Volumes/USB_STICK/ && cp ./System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics/diags.efi

5) Shutdown all applications, except Terminal.

6) the original 6) below assumes you are booting to the same machine you are trying to test
to attempt to use this on a different machine omit the && sudo reboot & instead eject the USB after that command, then move to your target machine

6) “bless” the USB drive in mount-mode, with the EFI file, and immediately reboot:

cd /Volumes/USB_STICK/ && sudo bless --mount /Volumes/USB_STICK --setBoot --file diags.efi && sudo reboot

7) Cold boot your target machine
You should now be booting into AHT -- don’t hold down any keys.

8) Run the tests, and yank the USB key after AHT reboots you.

You can download the AHT package for your computer using this URL:[MODEL NUMBER]-A.dmg

where [MODEL NUMBER] is the four-number ID below:

3282 for Mac-F4208AC8, Mac-F42289C8 Xserve1,1 and Xserve2,1
3259 for Mac-F42C8CC8 MacBookAir1,1
3273 for Mac-F42C88C8 MacPro3,1
3254 for F4238CC8, F42386C8, F4218EC8, F4208EAA, F4208DC8, F4208DA9, F4238BC8, F42388C8 and F22788C8 inclusively.

or more specifically:
3085 for Mac-F22788C8 MacBook3,1
2886 for Mac-F4208EAA Macmini2,1
2845 for Mac-F42386C8 iMac7,1
2833 for Mac-F42388C8 MacBookPro3,1
2770 for Mac-F4238BC8 MacBookPro3,1
2769 for Mac-F4208DC8 MacPro1,1
2667 for Mac-F4208DA9 MacPro2,1
2766 for Mac-F4208CAA MacBook2,1
2592 for Mac-F42189C8 MacBookPro2,1
2591 for Mac-F42187C8 MacBookPro2,2
2590 for Mac-F4208CA9 MacBook2,1
2579 for Mac-F4218FC8 iMac6,1
2535 for Mac-F4218EC8 iMac5,2
2534 for Mac-F4228EC8 iMac5,1
2533 for Mac-F42786A9 iMac5,1
And these are there, but too old to identify: 2418, 2405, 2398, 2393, 2392, 2342, 2216, 2215, 2158, 2120, 2079, 2056, 1880, 1879, 1680 and 1594.

risposta data 30.12.2015 - 15:14

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