Indirizzo email App Store / ID Apple


Ogni volta che vado nel mio Apple Store mostra un'e-mail errata (mostra un'email non più attiva)
Come faccio a mostrare al mio iPhone 6 l'e-mail corretta in modo da poter aggiornare le mie app?

posta Katie 27.03.2016 - 14:06

1 risposta


L'ID Apple "corretto" è quello utilizzato inizialmente per acquistare le app.

Non ha bisogno di essere legato al tuo attuale indirizzo email & in realtà non deve essere per forza un indirizzo email. Puoi modificare il tuo indirizzo email principale associato a un ID Apple ...

Change your Apple ID

Follow these steps to change the email address that you use as your Apple ID.

  1. Sign out of every Apple service and device that uses your Apple ID.
  2. Sign in to your Apple ID account page.
  3. In the Account section, click Edit. Under your Apple ID, click Change Email Address.
  4. Enter the email address you want to use as your Apple ID. A verification code will be sent to your new email address.
  5. Enter the verification code from the email into the fields provided and start using your updated Apple ID. Didn't get the email?
  6. Sign back in to all Apple services with your new Apple ID.

You can change your Apple ID to any other email address you control, as long as it's not already in use as an Apple ID. If your email address ends with,, or, you might not be able to change your Apple ID. You also won't see Change Email Address on your account page.

risposta data 27.03.2016 - 14:16

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