Richieste ripetute per aggiornare le preferenze di icloud


Continuo a ricevere richieste per aggiornare le mie preferenze di iCloud. Lo faccio reinserendo la mia password, le richieste continuano a venire

posta Michael Viren 13.05.2016 - 16:15

1 risposta


Ho affrontato lo stesso problema sul mio MacBook Pro (metà 2012) e l'ho risolto seguendo le linee guida menzionate qui: link

"Go to System Preferences, iCloud and clear all the ticks so that you are no longer syncing anything to iCloud. You should also go into every Apple app (FaceTime, Calendar, Messages, iTunes, Reminders, Notes and any other app you can think of), check the preferences in each app and if you are signed in to iCloud then sign out.

After disabling all the iCloud sync options in System Preferences and every single Apple app, return to iCloud in System Preferences and tick all the boxes again to start syncing once more. You might also need to sign in again with FaceTime and the other apps you signed out of."

risposta data 14.05.2016 - 11:28

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