L'adattatore DVI Apple Mini DisplayPort a Dual-Link passthrough HDCP?


Ho un monitor DVI dual-link (2560x1440) collegato al mio computer (retina MbP 2015) attraverso Adattatore DVI Mini DisplayPort a Dual-Link . Viene segnalato come non compatibile con HDCP da iTunes e Netflix. Questo perché il monitor non supporta HDCP o perché l'adattatore non passa l'HDCP?

posta g.rocket 29.04.2016 - 13:28

1 risposta


Ecco cosa dice Apple a questo proposito:

Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters that offer digital connections—such as the Apple Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI adapter and the Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter—support HDCP content. Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters that offer analog connections—such as the Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter—do not support HDCP content.

Inoltre, ho trovato questa risposta su un sito Apple, ma non posso verificare se è corretta, quindi YMMV:

Here is what I found a) Mini DP to DP will offer full resolution 2560 X 1080 @ 60 Hz but HDCP content from iTunes is not permitted, ie. will not run; b) HDMI adapter to DVI-D allows HDCP content to run but the resolution is limited to 1920 x 1080 @ 60Hz; c) HDMI to HDMI also does not offer full resolution but allows access to HDCP content; finally, the only configuration that offers both full resolution and HDCP is with Mini Display Port to Dual DVI-D cables.

risposta data 29.04.2016 - 13:45

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