Il mio MacBook Pro si disconnette dal wifi dell'ufficio quando altre persone si uniscono alla rete


Recentemente ho cambiato sede. Il nuovo ufficio si trova in centro, quindi ci sono più punti di accesso, controllati sia dall'azienda che dall'esterno.

La connessione wireless del portatile si interrompe poco dopo la prima connessione alla rete in mattinata. Sembra anche disconnettere quando gruppi di persone si uniscono alla rete durante il giorno (come, dopo le riunioni). Non ho questo problema su altre reti.

Il problema si verifica solo con laptop Mac sulla nostra rete. Tutti i dispositivi Linux, Windows e Android sembrano rimanere connessi.

OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)
AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x134)
Firmeware Version: Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
WPA2 Personal
RSSI: -50 dBm
Noise: -90 dBm
Channel: 132 (DFS)
Channel width: 80 MHz

Ho usato Onyx per raccogliere informazioni sulla connessione quando ha fallito l'ultima volta.

Dalla parte inferiore del wifi.log:

Tue Aug 30 10:57:55.635 <airportd[62]> _SC_callback: Changed keys = { 'Setup:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort' }
Tue Aug 30 10:57:55.651 SC: <airportd[62]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'Setup:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort'

Da wifi-oCZ0nU.log:

Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.033 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: DUMP_LOGS (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.034 Info: <airportd[62]> SCAN request received from pid 452 (WiFiProxy) with priority 2
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.142 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.158 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.160 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY GAS CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.162 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.179 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.180 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.260 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b13c60> [channelNumber=1(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b11080> [channelNumber=2(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b050d0> [channelNumber=3(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b15ca0> [channelNumber=4(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b0ead0> [channelNumber=5(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b047d0> [channelNumber=6(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262 )} took 0.2275 seconds, returned 1 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.262 Info: <Wi-Fi Menu Extra[345]> scan cache updated
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.273 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.280 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.288 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.289 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY GAS CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.292 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.307 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.308 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.489 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b04ea0> [channelNumber=7(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b09370> [channelNumber=8(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b1c2b0> [channelNumber=9(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b01c30> [channelNumber=10(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b02f10> [channelNumber=11(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b1c3c0> [channelNumber=36(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, active]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.491 )} took 0.2290 seconds, returned 2 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.492 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.744 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b15580> [channelNumber=40(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b090b0> [channelNumber=44(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b09a10> [channelNumber=48(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b06850> [channelNumber=132(5GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b12c90> [channelNumber=136(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b14430> [channelNumber=140(5GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active, DFS]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747 )} took 0.2557 seconds, returned 4 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.747 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.979 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b070b0> [channelNumber=144(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b1b960> [channelNumber=149(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b0a9e0> [channelNumber=153(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b1d500> [channelNumber=157(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b0ba60> [channelNumber=161(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, active],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b152c0> [channelNumber=165(5GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, active]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.981 )} took 0.2337 seconds, returned 1 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:34.982 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.470 Info: <airportd[62]> STOP BROWSING TETHER DEVICES request received from pid 452 (WiFiProxy)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.470 Info: <WiFiAgent[386]> STOP BROWSING TETHER DEVICES request received
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.869 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b09f90> [channelNumber=52(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b0a3b0> [channelNumber=56(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b149a0> [channelNumber=60(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b14dc0> [channelNumber=64(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b17240> [channelNumber=100(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b15940> [channelNumber=104(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872 )} took 0.8906 seconds, returned 4 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.872 Info: <Wi-Fi Menu Extra[345]> scan cache updated
Tue Aug 30 11:01:35.883 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.375 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.387 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.395 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY GAS CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.397 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.407 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.407 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.413 Info: <airportd[62]> START BROWSING TETHER DEVICES request received from pid 452 (WiFiProxy)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.414 Info: <WiFiAgent[386]> START BROWSING TETHER DEVICES request received
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.524 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.537 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.538 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY GAS CACHE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.541 Info: <airportd[62]> GET CURRENT TETHER DEVICE request received from pid 345 (SystemUIServer)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.550 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.550 Info: <CoreWLAN PPPController[345]> -[CWEAPOLClient eapolClientSupplicantState]: failed to retrieve 8021X state (2)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.855 Driver Event: <airportd[62]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SCAN_CACHE_UPDATED (en0)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857 AutoJoin: <airportd[62]> Successful cache-assisted scan request for WiFiProxy with channels {(
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b0e400> [channelNumber=108(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b17700> [channelNumber=112(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b17b20> [channelNumber=116(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(+1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b17f40> [channelNumber=120(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b10ef0> [channelNumber=124(5GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}, DFS],
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857     <CWChannel: 0x7f95c5b017e0> [channelNumber=128(5GHz), channelWidth={40MHz(-1)}, DFS]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.857 )} took 0.9852 seconds, returned 1 results
Tue Aug 30 11:01:36.880 Info: <airportd[62]> QUERY SCAN CACHE request received from pid 86 (locationd)
Tue Aug 30 11:01:37.923 IPC: <airportd[62]> ADDED XPC CLIENT CONNECTION [wdhelper (pid=75, euid=0, egid=0)]
Tue Aug 30 11:01:37.924 Info: <airportd[62]> DUMP TEMP WIFI LOG request received from pid 75 (wdhelper)

Ecco i punti di accesso rilevanti dalla scansione:

'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:08:20, channel=[6, width=20], cc=US, type=11n, rssi=-52, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:08:30, channel=[149, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-54, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:36:a0, channel=[1, width=20], cc=US, type=11n, rssi=-55, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:36:b0, channel=[36, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-57, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:37:f0, channel=[132, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-59, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:38:30, channel=[52, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-53, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:39:60, channel=[6, width=20], cc=US, type=11n, rssi=-52, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:39:70, channel=[116, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-63, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:3e:f0, channel=[100, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-63, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:43:c0, channel=[11, width=20], cc=US, type=11n, rssi=-38, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 
'TS' <5453>, bssid=f0:5c:19:25:43:d0, channel=[132, width=80], cc=US, type=11ac, rssi=-49, rsn=[mcast=aes_ccm, ucast={ aes_ccm }, auths={ psk ft_psk }, caps=0x28], wpa=(null), wep=no, ibss=no, ph=no, swap=no, hs20=no, airport=no, 

Risultati del monitoraggio:

08/30/16 10:57:18.0800  LAN: WiFi interface can ping IPv4 router . . . YES —— [1/1 (0% loss) min=1.3 max=1.3 avg=1.3]
08/30/16 10:57:18.2070  WAN: WiFi interface can ping DNS server . . . YES —— [1/1 (0% loss) min=73.5 max=73.5 avg=73.5]
08/30/16 10:57:18.2070  TS / ch132 [RSSI=-50 dBm, Noise=-93 dBm, SNR=43, Tx=1053 Mbps]
08/30/16 10:57:18.2070  AWDL: Disabled [0 ]
08/30/16 10:57:31.2700  LAN: WiFi interface can ping IPv4 router . . . NO —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:33.2830  QOS (BK_SYS) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:35.2960  QOS (BK) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:37.3120  QOS (BE) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:39.3220  QOS (RD) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:41.3370  QOS (OAM) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:43.3520  QOS (AV) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:45.3650  QOS (RV) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:47.3820  QOS (VI) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:49.3860  QOS (VO) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:51.3910  QOS (CTL) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:51.3920  TS / ch132 [RSSI=-50 dBm, Noise=-94 dBm, SNR=44, Tx=1053 Mbps]
08/30/16 10:57:51.3920  AWDL: Disabled [0 ]
08/30/16 10:57:51.3920  UNEXPECTED DROP DETECTED!!!

# --- Monitor Test Cases
08/30/16 10:57:55.6770  Wi-Fi On . . . YES
08/30/16 10:57:55.6780  Wi-Fi Associated . . . YES
08/30/16 10:57:57.6910  QOS (BK_SYS) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:57:59.7050  QOS (BK) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:01.7180  QOS (BE) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:03.7300  QOS (RD) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:05.7450  QOS (OAM) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:07.7600  QOS (AV) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:09.7730  QOS (RV) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:11.7870  QOS (VI) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:13.8000  QOS (VO) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:15.8150  QOS (CTL) ping address . . . fail —— [0/1 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]
08/30/16 10:58:23.8760  LAN: WiFi interface can ping IPv4 router . . . NO —— [0/4 (1% loss) min=0.0 max=0.0 avg=0.0]

# --- Monitor Summary
08/30/16 10:58:26.7230  LAN Connectivity Failure

Mi è stato detto che questo è principalmente un problema personale e non qualcosa con cui l'IT può aiutarti, quindi speravo che qualcuno qui potesse aiutarti.

posta Coop 30.08.2016 - 18:14

1 risposta


Ho questo problema costantemente anche nel mio ufficio. Alcuni giorni sono più spesso di altri. Dopo aver letto diversi argomenti, sono giunto alla conclusione che l'adattatore wireless su Mac è più suscettibile al rumore di rete (quando molti dispositivi sono collegati a una rete) quindi si riduce (a volte ci vuole un po 'per connettersi). Puoi eseguire uno dei seguenti approcci.

  1. vai a menu Apple - > Preferenze di sistema - > Rete , seleziona Wifi e sulle impostazioni




  • Cambia il canale radio del router in 2,4 Ghz. Assicurati che il tuo punto di accesso Wi-Fi sia impostato per scegliere automaticamente il miglior canale radio da utilizzare, poiché il tuo ambiente radio cambia costantemente e il punto di accesso deve essere in grado di farcela.

  • Se il tuo Macbook Pro non ha un connettore Ethernet, dovresti procurarti un adattatore Ethernet per evitare la frustrazione.

  • Spero che aiuti.

    risposta data 30.08.2016 - 18:34

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