Login - La schermata lampeggia e torna alla schermata di login - Spiegazione del terminale


Ho trovato questa domanda Login - La schermata lampeggia e torna alla schermata di accesso - Ho provato tutto possibile , che è esattamente come il problema che sto avendo.

Ma la risposta mi confonde ....

There is one troubleshooting step that OS X shares with the classic Mac OS, removing preference files. But on OS X there are TWO folders:

/Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Preferences

--The latter being in your user/home folder--

Since the issue doesn't exist under another logon it is specific to that user folder. SO there is something specific to that user that is causing the problem. This takes the /Library/Preferences folder out of consideration for troubleshooting preferences. The first thing I would do is use a utility like Onyx to verify and clean the system. This includes verifying preferences files. After that rename the ~/Library/Preferences folder to something like


You'll probably have to do that in Terminal and use sudo as those files are owned by another user on the system. then create a new ~/Library/Preferences folder and reboot.

If you can now log into that account it is a simple (HAH!) matter of putting preferences files in the new Preferences folder and rebooting till you find which one it is.

No guarantee, though, that it is a preference file, it could be a startup item. So do the same thing with the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder.

The other thing to consider is that it might be easier to just create a new user folder. Copy the things you need out of the old user folder and delete the old user. That could save you a lot of troubleshooting time. It would be my preferred way of doing it (after running Onyx) as I care less about what happened than just finding a fix that gets me up and running more quickly.

Come andrei a fare questo? Ho un terminale aperto, cosa digito?

Il mio computer è un hackintosh, non l'ho costruito. Questo problema si è verificato all'improvviso.

posta BobbyCandle 14.10.2016 - 20:38

1 risposta


Per rinominare le cartelle che hai elencato nel Terminale useresti il comando move o "mv". In questo modo: (Userò un account chiamato "userx" per questo esempio)

sudo mv /Users/userx/Library/Preferences /Users/userx/Library/PreferencesOLD
sudo mv /Users/userx/Library/LaunchAgents /Users/userx/Library/LaunchAgentsOLD

Per creare directory nel terminale usa "mkdir"

sudo mkdir /Users/userx/Library/Preferences

Infine, il passaggio che saltano sta permettendo a "userx" di usare la nuova directory che devi rendere userx il proprietario di qualsiasi nuova cartella creata in questo modo.

sudo chown userx /Users/userx/Library/Preferences
risposta data 14.10.2016 - 21:02

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