L'opzione Remote Simulator to Windows non esiste


Come può ottenere Remote Simulator su Windows quando non esiste?

posta Võ Đình Đệ Võ 17.11.2016 - 07:00

2 risposte


Non esiste un simulatore iOS per Windows.

Xamarin ha bisogno che tu ti connetta a un Mac in grado di eseguirlo.

Da Introduzione a Xamarin.iOS per Visual Studio

Xamarin for Windows allows iOS applications to be written and tested within Visual Studio, with a networked Mac providing the build and deployment service.

There are a number of configuration options available, so you can decide which works best for your development needs. These are listed below:

  • Use a Mac as your main development Machine and run a Windows Virtual Machine with Visual Studio installed. We recommend using VM software such as Parallels or VMWare .
  • Use a Mac just as a Build Host. In this scenario it would be simply connected to the same network as a Windows machine with the necessary tools installed.

In either case, you should follow these steps:

To develop with Xamarin in Visual Studio, you must be using at least Visual Studio 2012 Professional or higher. Xamarin will not work with Express Editions of Visual Studio, as they do not support add-ins.

risposta data 17.11.2016 - 09:57

È necessaria la licenza aziendale


Remoted iOS Simulator requires a Visual Studio Enterprise license

risposta data 01.05.2017 - 10:49

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