AppleScript: come modificare i dati HTML e RTF negli appunti?


Sto scrivendo un file .scpt di AppleScript, attivato a livello di sistema dalla combinazione di tasti assegnata in, che aggiunge parentesi attorno al testo modificabile selezionato.

Se il testo selezionato è già racchiuso tra parentesi, desidero che il mio script elimini efficacemente le parentesi dalla selezione. Questo è dove ho bisogno di assistenza. Non voglio rimuovere alcuna formattazione dal testo formattato.

Il mio script funziona se la selezione con parentesi è di solo testo, ma non se si tratta di dati RTF o HTML.

Ecco il mio codice completo:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"

Get the selected text into an AppleScript, while preserving the original clipboard:

-- Back up the original clipboard contents:
set savedClipboard to my fetchStorableClipboard()
set thePasteboard to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
set theCount to thePasteboard's changeCount()

-- Copy selected text to clipboard:
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down}

-- Check for changed clipboard:
repeat 20 times
    if thePasteboard's changeCount() is not theCount then exit repeat
    delay 0.1
end repeat

set firstCharacter to (character 1 of (the clipboard))
set lastCharacter to (character (length of (the clipboard))) of (the clipboard)

-- Remove the parentheses from the selection, if the selection is wrapped in parentheses:
if (firstCharacter is "(") and (lastCharacter is ")") then
    -- The selection already has parentheses.
    -- I must discern what class types are available for the clipboard content:
    tell current application
        set cbInfo to get (clipboard info) as string
        if cbInfo contains "RTF" then
            -- I need help here.
            -- Remove the first and last characters of the rich text, while retaining the rich text formatting.
        else if cbInfo contains "HTML" then
            -- I need help here.
            -- Remove the first and last characters of the HTML, while retaining formatting data.
            -- The clipboard contains plain text.

            -- Remove the first and last character of a plain text string:
            set theSelectionWithoutParentheses to (text 2 thru -2 of (the clipboard))
            set the clipboard to theSelectionWithoutParentheses
            tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down}
        end if
    end tell

    -- The selection needs parentheses.
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "("
    delay 0.1
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down}
    delay 0.1
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke ")"
end if

delay 1 -- Without this delay, may restore clipboard before pasting.

-- Restore clipboard:
my putOnClipboard:savedClipboard

on fetchStorableClipboard()
    set aMutableArray to current application's NSMutableArray's array() -- used to store contents
    -- get the pasteboard and then its pasteboard items
    set thePasteboard to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
    -- loop through pasteboard items
    repeat with anItem in thePasteboard's pasteboardItems()
        -- make a new pasteboard item to store existing item's stuff
        set newPBItem to current application's NSPasteboardItem's alloc()'s init()
        -- get the types of data stored on the pasteboard item
        set theTypes to anItem's types()
        -- for each type, get the corresponding data and store it all in the new pasteboard item
        repeat with aType in theTypes
            set theData to (anItem's dataForType:aType)'s mutableCopy()
            if theData is not missing value then
                (newPBItem's setData:theData forType:aType)
            end if
        end repeat
        -- add new pasteboard item to array
        (aMutableArray's addObject:newPBItem)
    end repeat
    return aMutableArray
end fetchStorableClipboard

on putOnClipboard:theArray
    -- get pasteboard
    set thePasteboard to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
    -- clear it, then write new contents
    thePasteboard's clearContents()
    thePasteboard's writeObjects:theArray
end putOnClipboard:
posta rubik's sphere 16.05.2017 - 07:03

1 risposta


Con l'aiuto di

Ho ideato una soluzione per modificare il contenuto degli appunti HTML o RTF e poi inserire questo contenuto modificato negli appunti.

Mentre ci siamo, ecco un altro metodo per rimuovere le parentesi esterne dai semplici dati degli appunti:

do shell script "pbpaste | tr -d '()' | pbcopy"

Per rimuovere le parentesi esterne dai dati degli appunti HTML (preservando i dati di formattazione):

do shell script "osascript -e 'try' -e 'get the clipboard as «class HTML»' -e 'end try' | awk '{sub(/«data HTML/, \"3C68746D6C3E\") sub(/»/, \"3C2F68746D6C3E\")} {print}' | xxd -r -p | textutil -convert rtf -stdin -stdout | tr -d '()' | pbcopy"

Sia Metodo 1 sia Metodo 2 per rimuovere le parentesi esterne dai dati della RTF (conservando i dati di formattazione), manipola gli appunti RTF contenuto analizzando questi dati come codice esadecimale:

Metodo 1:

    -- Get the RTF clipboard data in hexadecimal form:
    set theOriginalHexData to do shell script "osascript -e 'try' -e 'get the clipboard as «class RTF »' -e 'end try'"
on error eStr number eNum
    display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
    error number -128 (* user cancelled *)
end try

-- I don't want any parentheses inside of the outer parentheses to be removed; they must be preserved. So...

-- Check to see if there is more than 1 instance of "(":    
set originalDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "28" -- The hex code for the character: "("
set theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses to text items of theOriginalHexData
set numberOfOpeningParentheses to ((count theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses) - 1)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to originalDelimiters

if numberOfOpeningParentheses is 1 then
-- There are zero inner opening-parentheses.
    set theModifiedHexData to (item 1 of theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses) & (item 2 of theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses)

else if numberOfOpeningParentheses is greater than 1 then
-- There is at least one inner opening-parenthesis.
    set theModifiedHexData to (item 1 of theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses) & (item 2 of theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses)
    set counter to 2
    repeat until (counter is greater than numberOfOpeningParentheses)
        -- Add the desired inner opening-parentheses back into the string:
        set theModifiedHexData to (theModifiedHexData & "28" & (item (counter + 1) of theHexInAListSeparatedByOpeningParentheses))
        set counter to counter + 1
    end repeat
end if

-- Check to see if there is more than 1 instance of ")":
set originalDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "29" -- The hex code for the character: ")"
set theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses to text items of theModifiedHexData
set numberOfClosingParentheses to ((count theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses) - 1)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to originalDelimiters

if numberOfClosingParentheses is 1 then
-- There are zero inner closing-parentheses.
    set theModifiedHexData to (item 1 of theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses) & (item 2 of theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses)

else if numberOfClosingParentheses is greater than 1 then
-- There is at least one inner closing-parenthesis.
    set theModifiedHexData to (item 1 of theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses)
    set counter to 2
    repeat until ((counter) is greater than numberOfClosingParentheses)
        -- Add the desired inner closing-parentheses back into the string:
        set theModifiedHexData to (theModifiedHexData & "29" & (item (counter) of theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses))
        set counter to counter + 1
    end repeat
    set theModifiedHexData to (theModifiedHexData & (item (counter) of theHexInAListSeparatedByClosingParentheses))
end if

-- Put the modified hex code onto the clipboard, as RTF data:
    -- Get the RTF clipboard data in hexadecimal form:
    do shell script "osascript -e 'set the clipboard to " & theModifiedHexData & "'"
on error eStr number eNum
    display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
    error number -128 (* user cancelled *)
end try

Il Metodo 1 per modificare i dati degli Appunti RTF è concepibilmente suscettibile ai falsi positivi, se il codice esadecimale desiderato è diviso tra il secondo carattere di una coppia esadecimale e il primo carattere della seguente coppia esadecimale.

Ad esempio, 32 e 85 , quando affiancati nel codice esadecimale, sono interpretati come 28 , agli occhi del Metodo 1. Chiaramente, questo non è desiderabile.

Metodo 2:

Il metodo 2 risolve il problema, rendendo impossibile un falso positivo come questo. Questo perché, prima che il Metodo 2 analizzi il codice esadecimale, organizza prima il codice esadecimale text oggetto in un oggetto list basato su binario.

Diversamente dal Metodo 1, il Metodo 2 interpreta il codice esadecimale a coppie. Pertanto, il Metodo 2 è tecnicamente migliore:

global hexCodeInBinaryList

set firstCharacterHEX to "28"
set lastCharacterHEX to "29"

    -- Get the RTF clipboard data in hexadecimal form:
    set theOriginalHexData to do shell script "osascript -e 'try' -e 'get the clipboard as «class RTF »' -e 'end try'"
on error eStr number eNum
    display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
    error number -128 (* user cancelled *)
end try

-- I don't want any parentheses inside of the outer parentheses to be removed; they must be preserved. So...

-- Make sure that any parentheses that come after the first parenthesis is preseved:
set counter to 1
set listContainingItemNumbers to {}

repeat until (counter is greater than (count of hexCodeInBinaryList))
    if ((item counter) of hexCodeInBinaryList) is firstCharacterHEX then
        set listContainingItemNumbers to listContainingItemNumbers & counter
    end if
    set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
set numberOfOpeningParentheses to (count of listContainingItemNumbers)

set theNewLocation to item 1 of listContainingItemNumbers
set theModifiedHexData to ((items 1 thru (theNewLocation - 1) of hexCodeInBinaryList) as text)
set theModifiedHexData to theModifiedHexData & ((items (theNewLocation + 1) thru (count of hexCodeInBinaryList) of hexCodeInBinaryList) as text)

-- Make sure that any parentheses that come before the last parenthesis is preseved:

set counter to 1
set listContainingItemNumbers to {}

repeat until (counter is greater than (count of hexCodeInBinaryList))
    if ((item counter) of hexCodeInBinaryList) is lastCharacterHEX then
        set listContainingItemNumbers to listContainingItemNumbers & counter
    end if
    set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
set numberOfClosingParentheses to (count of listContainingItemNumbers)

set theNewLocation to (item numberOfClosingParentheses of listContainingItemNumbers)
set theModifiedHexData to ((items 1 thru (theNewLocation - 1) of hexCodeInBinaryList) as text)
set theModifiedHexData to theModifiedHexData & ((items (theNewLocation + 1) thru (length of hexCodeInBinaryList) of hexCodeInBinaryList) as text)

    -- Put the modified hex code onto the clipboard, as RTF data:
    do shell script "osascript -e 'set the clipboard to " & theModifiedHexData & "'"
on error eStr number eNum
    display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
    error number -128 (* user cancelled *)
end try

on putStringIntoBinaryList(theStringToConvertToList)

    set totalNumberOfChracters to length of theStringToConvertToList

    set startPoint to 1
    set endPoint to 2
    set hexCodeInBinaryList to {}

    repeat until (endPoint is totalNumberOfChracters) or ((endPoint - 1) is totalNumberOfChracters)
        set hexCodeInBinaryList to hexCodeInBinaryList & (text startPoint thru endPoint of (the theStringToConvertToList))

        set startPoint to (startPoint + 2)
        set endPoint to (endPoint + 2)
    end repeat

    if ((endPoint - 1) is totalNumberOfChracters) then
        set hexCodeInBinaryList to hexCodeInBinaryList & (character (endPoint - 1) of (the theStringToConvertToList))
    end if

end putStringIntoBinaryList

Tuttavia, nota che il Metodo 2 è stato progettato partendo dal presupposto che stai lavorando con un delimitatore di codice esadecimale a due caratteri .

Se il delimitatore del codice esadecimale supera i 2 caratteri, (come il delimitatore di codice esadecimale di 8 caratteri per una virgoletta doppia di apertura , che è 5C273933 ), dovresti riscrivere putStringIntoBinaryList() subroutine di conseguenza (o usare invece il Metodo 1, che è probabilmente sicuro da usare su un delimitatore di codice esadecimale lungo, di 8 caratteri).

risposta data 18.05.2017 - 03:41

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