Luce lampeggiante gialla sul mio Apple Time Capsule


Che cosa indica una luce gialla lampeggiante sul mio Time Capsule da 2TB? Sembra che il mio WiFi funzioni ancora.

posta Clay Wedan 22.03.2018 - 21:30

1 risposta


Controlla Risposta di Tesserax sulle comunità di supporto Apple.

      A persistent, flashing amber light indicates that any of the several potential conditions may require your attention:
  • The base station has not yet been configured because it is new, or the reset switch has been set.
  • You have selected a security configuration that is not recommended.
  • One of several other conditions, such as a disconnected Ethernet cable or invalid IP address has been detected. (ref:

    If you run the AirPort Utility, it will show an amber circle on the summary >page next to the area(s) causing the

problem. Click on this amber circle and it should provide an explanation.

risposta data 22.03.2018 - 21:34

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