Ci sono problemi di prestazioni con iOS 6 in esecuzione su iPhone 3GS?


Mio fratello ha un iPhone 3GS. L'aggiornamento a iOS 5 ha notevolmente rallentato il dispositivo. L'aggiornamento a iOS 6 rallenterà ulteriormente il dispositivo?

iOS 6 funzionerà bene (non diverso da iOS 5) su un iPhone 3GS?

posta 20.09.2012 - 21:42

1 risposta


Secondo questo articolo di ArsTechnica

iOS 6 doesn't make the iPhone 3GS any slower or more difficult to use than it was before, which should be good news to anyone who keeps theirs around as a secondary or backup phone—indeed, it's pleasantly surprising how many of the refinements and improvements make their way down to Apple's oldest-supported piece of iOS hardware. However, that hardware has been surpassed so thoroughly by other iOS and Android handsets at this point that it's difficult to recommend it as a primary handset. You don't have much to lose if you upgrade a 3GS to iOS 6, but there's a lot more to gain by investing in a newer device.

risposta data 20.09.2012 - 22:51

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