Directory Services / Open Directory - Differenze relative a OSX


Sembra che ci siano due diverse serie di preferenze, una per il servizio di directory e una per Open Directory. Ho sempre pensato che quest'ultimo fosse un'implementazione del primo (Open Directory implements- > Director Services). Sto fraintendendo come funziona in OSX, se no perché ci sono diverse preferenze per il servizio di directory (se questa è solo un'astrazione)?

/Library/Preferences$ ls
[...] (truncated)


A directory service is the software system that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a directory. In software engineering, a directory is a map between names and values. It allows the lookup of values given a name, similar to a dictionary. As a word in a dictionary may have multiple definitions, in a directory, a name may be associated with multiple, different pieces of information. Likewise, as a word may have different parts of speech and different definitions, a name in a directory may have many different types of data.

Wikipedia (sezione implementazione)

Open Directory: Apple's Mac OS X Server uses a directory service named Open Directory, which implements LDAP using a customized build of OpenLDAP and integrates support for both SASL and Kerberos authentication. It uses a plugins architecture to work with other LDAPv3 directories, including proprietary solutions like Active Directory and eDirectory.

posta rubixibuc 16.02.2012 - 06:13

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