Il codice AppleScript:
on dialogBox(theMessage)
display dialog theMessage default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Search"} default button 2 with title "Pick a search engine"
end dialogBox
dialogBox("Google, YouTube, Wiki, Dictionary, Apple, Adobe, or Google Images")
if text returned of result = "Google" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Google Search")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location ",cr&fg=1#q=" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "YouTube" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter YouTube Search")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "Wiki" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Word")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "Dictionary" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Word")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "http://Dictionary.Reference.Com/Browse/" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "Apple" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Apple Search")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "Adobe" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Adobe Search")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "" & search
end tell
else if text returned of result = "Google Images" then
set search to text returned of dialogBox("Enter Image Search")
tell application "Google Chrome"
open location "" & search
end tell
end if
Il problema:
In alto, si dice ("Google, YouTube, Wiki, Dizionario, Apple, Adobe o Google Immagini")
Voglio farlo così mette un punto interrogativo alla fine, in questo modo: ("Google, YouTube, Wiki, Dizionario, Apple, Adobe o Google Immagini?")
Google Immagini ha un punto interrogativo ma quando digito "Immagini Google" nella casella di testo, si chiude. Qualcuno può aiutarti, quindi posso digitare Google Immagini con il punto interrogativo e il programma non chiude?