MBP che si sveglia a caso dal sonno / ibernazione


Ho un Macbook Pro del Mid-2010. Per molti mesi ho eseguito una versione di Yosemite senza problemi, ma ho appena aggiornato a 10.10.5 questa settimana. Penso che stavo correndo 10.10.3 prima ma non ricordo esattamente. Deve essere stato questo o quello di seguito perché il motivo per cui stavo aggiornando era così che potevo installare Xcode 7.

Da allora, si sta svegliando dal sonno a intervalli apparentemente casuali. Ha un lettore DVD che fa rumore quando si sveglia, e ha svegliato la mia ragazza e io alle 2 del mattino la scorsa notte. Ho ibernato la macchina usando DeepSleep che ho pensato sarebbe la fine di esso. Ma molto per il mio shock, questa mattina si è in parte svegliato dal letargo per fare rumore, anche se quando sono andato a controllarlo, sembrava essere tornato in letargo e ha richiesto che il pulsante di accensione fosse premuto per riaccenderlo, dopodiché è stato ripristinato stato normalmente.

La scorsa notte la macchina non aveva nessuna periferica inserita, ad eccezione dell'alimentazione CA. L'alimentazione Bluetooth era attiva ma nessuno dei dispositivi associati era acceso. "Wake for network access" è stato abilitato nelle preferenze di risparmio energetico. Non ho programmi di sospensione o di veglia impostati nelle preferenze di sistema.

Ecco alcuni output diagnostici:

$ pmset -g
Active Profiles:
Battery Power       -1
AC Power        -1*
Currently in use:
 womp                 1
 halfdim              1
 sms                  1
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 gpuswitch            2
 networkoversleep     0
 disksleep            10
 sleep                30
 hibernatemode        25
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         15
 acwake               0
 lidwake              1

$ pmset -g assertions
2015-09-24 10:04:52 -0700 
Assertion status system-wide:
   BackgroundTask                 0
   ApplePushServiceTask           0
   UserIsActive                   1
   PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep    0
   PreventSystemSleep             0
   ExternalMedia                  0
   PreventUserIdleSystemSleep     0
   NetworkClientActive            0
Listed by owning process:
   pid 103(hidd): [0x00000184000902fc] 11:46:51 UserIsActive named: "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle" 
    Timeout will fire in 529 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
Kernel Assertions: 0x104=USB,MAGICWAKE
   id=501  level=255 0x4=USB mod=9/24/15, 9:59 AM description=EHC1 owner=AppleUSBEHCI
   id=502  level=255 0x100=MAGICWAKE mod=9/24/15, 10:05 AM description=en1 owner=en1

$ sudo pmset -g log | sed -E '/Assert|UU/d'
Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-23 22:18:08 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        6497 secs 
2015-09-23 22:18:13 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6475]           
2015-09-23 22:18:13 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [com.apple.apsd is slow(4900 ms)]  
2015-09-24 00:06:18 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(302 ms)] [powerd is slow(4911 ms)]           
2015-09-24 00:06:18 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 00:06:25 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             12 secs   
2015-09-24 00:06:25 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(514 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1977 ms)]           
2015-09-24 00:06:36 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :13   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 00:06:37 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        6497 secs 
2015-09-24 00:06:47 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6470]           
2015-09-24 00:06:47 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [com.apple.apsd is slow(10061 ms)]           
2015-09-24 01:54:47 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(305 ms)] [powerd is slow(10069 ms)]           
2015-09-24 01:54:47 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 01:54:54 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             43 secs   
2015-09-24 01:54:54 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(406 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(514 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(406 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(407 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1975 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :14   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 01:55:34 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 01:55:37 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        1 secs    
2015-09-24 01:55:38 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 01:55:38 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /HID Activity: Using AC (Charge:99%)     43 secs   
2015-09-24 01:55:38 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(410 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(410 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(527 ms)]           
2015-09-24 01:56:05 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6452]           
2015-09-24 01:56:05 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(282 ms)] [com.apple.apsd timed out(28000 ms)]           
2015-09-24 01:56:06 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Wake notifications: [IOPowerWatcher is slow(470 ms)] [backupd is slow(470 ms)] [backupd-helper is slow(576 ms)] [networkd power system capabilities monitor is slow(584 ms)] [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(1233 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :15   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 01:56:06 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 01:56:21 -0700                       Summary- [System: PrevIdle DeclUser BGTask kDisp] Using AC                            
2015-09-24 01:56:21 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Software Sleep pid=1016': Using AC (Charge:99%)    6488 secs 
2015-09-24 01:56:22 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6479]           
2015-09-24 01:56:22 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [IOPowerWatcher is slow(363 ms)] [backupd-helper is slow(384 ms)] [networkd power system capabilities monitor is slow(384 ms)] [backupd is slow(385 ms)] [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(1231 ms)]           
2015-09-24 03:44:23 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(497 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(402 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(406 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(500 ms)] [PRT0 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(967 ms)]           
2015-09-24 03:44:23 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 03:44:29 -0700 Wake                  Wake [CDNVA] due to RTC/Maintenance: Using AC (Charge:99%)                  14 secs   
2015-09-24 03:44:29 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1961 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :16   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 03:44:39 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 03:44:43 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        6510 secs 
2015-09-24 03:44:48 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6475]           
2015-09-24 03:44:48 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(673 ms)] [com.apple.apsd is slow(4892 ms)]           
2015-09-24 05:33:06 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(4904 ms)]           
2015-09-24 05:33:06 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 05:33:13 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             9 secs    
2015-09-24 05:33:13 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(401 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(406 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(407 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(520 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1962 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :17   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 05:33:22 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 05:33:22 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        6510 secs 
2015-09-24 05:33:25 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6477]           
2015-09-24 05:33:25 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(316 ms)] [com.apple.apsd is slow(3345 ms)]           
2015-09-24 07:21:45 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(3380 ms)]           
2015-09-24 07:21:45 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 07:21:52 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             10 secs   
2015-09-24 07:21:52 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(400 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(521 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1963 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :18   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 07:22:01 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 07:22:02 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        6511 secs 
2015-09-24 07:22:08 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6474]           
2015-09-24 07:22:08 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(373 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(375 ms)] [com.apple.apsd is slow(6009 ms)]           
2015-09-24 09:10:26 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(6026 ms)]           
2015-09-24 09:10:26 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 09:10:33 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             10 secs   
2015-09-24 09:10:33 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(398 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(402 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(403 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(522 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1962 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :19   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 09:10:43 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 09:10:43 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:99%)        2728 secs 
2015-09-24 09:10:49 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6474]           
2015-09-24 09:10:49 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [com.apple.apsd is slow(5620 ms)]           
2015-09-24 09:56:04 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5642 ms)]           
2015-09-24 09:56:04 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 09:56:11 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             419 secs  
2015-09-24 09:56:11 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(391 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(401 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(402 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(405 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(406 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(523 ms)] [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 2)(1974 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :20   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
2015-09-24 10:02:55 -0700 Notification          Display is turned off                                                                 
2015-09-24 10:03:10 -0700 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Software Sleep pid=99': Using AC (Charge:99%)  0 secs    
2015-09-24 10:03:10 -0700 Notification          Display is turned on                                                                  
2015-09-24 10:03:10 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /HID Activity: Using AC (Charge:99%)               
2015-09-24 10:03:10 -0700 Kernel Client Acks    Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(404 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(408 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(409 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(518 ms)]           
2015-09-24 10:03:13 -0700 Wake Requests         [*proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=6477]           
2015-09-24 10:03:13 -0700 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [mDNSResponder is slow(327 ms)] [com.apple.apsd is slow(3494 ms)]           
2015-09-24 10:13:41 -0700                       Summary- [System: PrevIdle] Using AC                                                  

Total Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2015-09-23 00:35:50 -0700 :21

2015-09-24 10:16:38 -0700 :Showing all currently held IOKit power assertions
   BackgroundTask                 0
   ApplePushServiceTask           0
   UserIsActive                   0
   PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep    0
   PreventSystemSleep             0
   ExternalMedia                  0
   PreventUserIdleSystemSleep     0
   NetworkClientActive            0
   id=501  level=255 0x4=USB mod=9/24/15, 9:59 AM description=EHC1 owner=AppleUSBEHCI

Le seguenti righe sono le più sconcertanti per me:

2015-09-24 01:55:38 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /HID Activity: Using AC (Charge:99%)     43 secs   
2015-09-24 03:44:29 -0700 Wake                  Wake [CDNVA] due to RTC/Maintenance: Using AC (Charge:99%)                  14 secs   
2015-09-24 05:33:13 -0700 Wake                  Wake from Hibernate [CDNVA] due to /User: Using AC (Charge:99%)             9 secs    

Sicuramente non usavo alcun dispositivo HI alle 2:00, quindi è strano. Non so quale sia l'accordo con RTC / Manutenzione.

Da allora ho disattivato l'alimentazione Bluetooth e "Riattiva l'accesso alla rete", ma voglio essere sicuro che ciò sia corretto e che non ci svegli di nuovo nel bel mezzo della notte. Suppongo che per ora posso spegnere completamente la macchina o metterla in una stanza diversa fino a quando non viene riparata. O cosa si intende per "/ Utente" come motivo di scia, poiché anch'io non usavo il mio computer alle 5:30 del mattino.

Qualsiasi aiuto nell'interpretazione della diagnostica o ulteriore consiglio di risoluzione dei problemi sarebbe molto apprezzato, grazie.

posta Eliot 24.09.2015 - 19:52

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