Il mio iMac si riavvia alla schermata di login nel cuore della notte, dopo aver abilitato FileVault


Ho un iMac 5K, alla fine del 2015, che esegue El Capitan.

Due giorni fa, ho attivato FileFault. Dopodiché, quando mi sveglio, scopro che la macchina è stata riavviata alla schermata di accesso, mostrandomi le icone per tutti gli utenti disponibili. In fondo c'è un messaggio su cosa fare se non riesco a digitare la mia password. È successo la scorsa notte e la sera prima, che è la prima notte dopo che FileVault è stato abilitato.

Ho "disconnesso dopo X minuti di inattività" deselezionato.

Sospetto che si sia verificato un'interruzione di corrente, ma ho un UPS e "Avvia automaticamente dopo un'interruzione di corrente" è deselezionato, quindi non può essere la ragione.

Queste sono le voci del registro dal cuore della notte:

1 Aug 16 1:07:05.682 AM[234]: scheduler_evaluate_activity told me to run this job; however, but the start time isn't for 75112 seconds.  Ignoring.
1 Aug 16 1:07:05.682 AM[45]: scheduler_evaluate_activity told me to run this job; however, but the start time isn't for 9859 seconds.  Ignoring.
1 Aug 16 1:07:05.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29370.909170: wl0: TCPKEEP: locate_keepalive_data_new_uc: No IPV4 addrs, keepalive not started.
1 Aug 16 1:07:05.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29370.909178: wl0: MDNS: IPV4 Addr:
1 Aug 16 1:07:05.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29370.909181: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: fe80:0:0:0:2af0:76ff:fe3f:9670
1 Aug 16 1:07:05.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29370.909184: wl0: MDNS: 0 SRV Recs, 0 TXT Recs
1 Aug 16 1:07:07.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1994 ms (54, powerd)
1 Aug 16 1:07:07.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29372.905516: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep 
1 Aug 16 1:07:08.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29373.407643: IOPMPowerSource Information: onSleep,  SleepType: Normal Sleep,  
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 44 us
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: Bluetooth -- LE is supported - Disable LE meta event
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29375.199822: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will stay on.
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29375.220725: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[enable]
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29375.221700: AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[enabled]
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
1 Aug 16 1:07:10.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - intel_rp = 1 dlla_reporting_supported = 1
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 4292
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.SleepTimer XHC1 (SleepTimer)
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM syslogd[44]: ASL Sender Statistics
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 58:6d:8f:3c:7a:b1
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 36
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.000 AM kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xcc7b8f4ef800638d has no prefix
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.360 AM[1]: ( Service only ran for 9 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 1 seconds.
1 Aug 16 2:05:12.530 AM Dock[305]: -[UABestAppSuggestionManager notifyBestAppChanged:type:options:bundleIdentifier:activityType:dynamicIdentifier:when:confidence:deviceName:deviceIdentifier:deviceType:] (null) UASuggestedActionType=0 (null)/(null) opts=(null) when=2016-07-31 20:35:12 +0000 confidence=1 from=(null)/(null) (UABestAppSuggestionManager.m #319)
1 Aug 16 2:05:13.752 AM ntpd[217]: wake time set +0.736000 s
1 Aug 16 2:05:13.824 AM hidd[97]: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::deviceDidBootload device bootloaded
1 Aug 16 2:05:14.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
1 Aug 16 2:05:16.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29379.679635: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
1 Aug 16 2:05:16.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29380.181526: IOPMPowerSource Information: onWake,  SleepType: Normal Sleep,  
1 Aug 16 2:05:16.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29380.181673: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[disable]
1 Aug 16 2:05:17.000 AM kernel[0]: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
1 Aug 16 2:05:24.576 AM AddressBookSourceSync[4341]: AOSKit WARN: (-) Invalid url: https://kartick.vad%[email protected]/v1/carddav/154962696/
1 Aug 16 2:05:54.690 AM AddressBookSourceSync[4346]: AOSKit WARN: (-) Invalid url: https://kartick.vad%[email protected]/v1/carddav/154962696/
1 Aug 16 2:05:57.000 AM kernel[0]: pci pause: SDXC
1 Aug 16 2:06:01.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29425.188215: wl0: TCPKEEP: locate_keepalive_data_new_uc: No IPV4 addrs, keepalive not started.
1 Aug 16 2:06:01.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29425.188222: wl0: MDNS: IPV4 Addr:
1 Aug 16 2:06:01.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29425.188226: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: fe80:0:0:0:2af0:76ff:fe3f:9670
1 Aug 16 2:06:01.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29425.188228: wl0: MDNS: 0 SRV Recs, 0 TXT Recs
1 Aug 16 2:06:03.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1992 ms (54, powerd)
1 Aug 16 2:06:03.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29427.181838: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep 
1 Aug 16 2:06:04.000 AM kernel[0]: ARPT: 29427.683945: IOPMPowerSource Information: onSleep,  SleepType: Standby,  
1 Aug 16 7:51:18.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1470018078 0

L'ultima voce del registro è quella di andare a dormire. È stato riavviato nel cuore della notte, ma non ci sono voci di registro a causa della crittografia completa del disco - Non ho digitato la mia password nel cuore della notte. Io invece l'ho spento e l'ho avviato alle 7 del mattino quando mi sono svegliato.

Ho controllato pmset -g log:

2016-08-01 02:06:01 +0530                       Summary- [System: PrevIdle] Using AC                                                  
2016-08-01 02:06:01 +0530 Sleep                 Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep': Using AC           
2016-08-01 02:06:03 +0530 Wake Requests         [proc=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance inDelta=7198] [proc=UserEventAgent request=SleepService inDelta=48597 info=",,"] [*proc=UserEventAgent request=TimerPlugin inDelta=3597 info=",,"] [proc=UserEventAgent request=TimerPlugin inDelta=3597 info=","]           
2016-08-01 02:06:03 +0530 PM Client Acks        Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(1990 ms)]           
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2016-07-31 07:35:23 +0530 :0   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
UUID: (null)
2016-08-01 07:51:20 +0530 Start                 powerd process is started                                                             
2016-08-01 07:51:20 +0530                       Summary- [System: No Assertions] Using AC                                             
2016-08-01 07:51:21 +0530 Assertions            Kernel Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler          
Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2016-08-01 07:51:20 +0530 :0   Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:0

Time stamp                Domain                Message                                                                     Duration    Delay     
==========                ======                =======                                                                     ========    =====     
UUID: Unknown UUID

Ripristino SMC, ma che altro posso fare per risolvere questo problema?

posta Vaddadi Kartick 01.08.2016 - 05:05

1 risposta


Disabilitare FileVault ha interrotto il riavvio. La persona di supporto Apple con cui ho parlato ha teorizzato che il disco rigido potrebbe non essere stato completamente crittografato quando ho attivato la crittografia. In ogni caso, decifrando ha risolto il problema.

risposta data 04.08.2016 - 04:34

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