recupera file da USB esterno danneggiato HD, macOS Sierra


Non ho cancellato i file, il mio Hard Disk USB esterno non è rotto, non ha sofferto.

Nella seconda immagine puoi controllare la dimensione dell'1TB HD con la 2a partizione Dimensione di 999.9GB , ma sul primo puoi vedere 649.69GB .

Quando seleziono con Finder l'HD, diventa molto lento. La Finder non può spostarsi in un'altra posizione appare la ruota colorata. E ho bisogno di spegnere il mio MacBook Air e ricominciare.

verifyVolume primo

$ diskutil verifyVolume /dev/disk2s2
Started file system verification on disk2s2 ADATAHD
Verifying file system
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Checking extents overflow file
Checking catalog file
Checking multi-linked files
Checking catalog hierarchy
Checking extended attributes file
The volume ADATAHD could not be verified completely
File system check exit code is 8
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error

repairVolume comando

$ diskutil repairVolume /dev/disk2s2
Started file system repair on disk2s2
Repairing file system
File system check exit code is 8
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
Error: -69610: Error parsing fsck program XML format output
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error

Utilizzo del comando fsck_hfs

$ sudo fsck_hfs -fryd /dev/disk2s2
journal_replay(/dev/disk2s2) returned 16
** /dev/rdisk2s2
    Using cacheBlockSize=32K cacheTotalBlock=32768 cacheSize=1048576K.
   Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-366.70.1).
    could not get volume block 2, err 16 
    could not get alternate volume header at 1952853342, err 16 
volumeType is 0
0000:  00e0 0910 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000       |................|
0010:  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000       |................|
. . .
01f0:  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000       |................|
    unknown volume type 
    primary MDB is at block 0 0x00 
    alternate MDB is at block 0 0x00 
    primary VHB is at block 0 0x00 
    alternate VHB is at block 0 0x00 
    sector size = 512 0x200 
    VolumeObject flags = 0x01 
    total sectors for volume = 1952853344 0x74662d60 
    total sectors for embedded volume = 0 0x00 
    CheckForClean - unknown volume type 
    CheckHFS returned 6, fsmodified = 0

controlla info

$ diskutil info /dev/disk2s2
   Device Identifier:        disk2s2
   Device Node:              /dev/disk2s2
   Whole:                    No
   Part of Whole:            disk2

   Volume Name:              ADATAHD
   Mounted:                  Yes
   Mount Point:              /Volumes/ADATAHD

   Partition Type:           Apple_HFS
   File System Personality:  Journaled HFS+
   Type (Bundle):            hfs
   Name (User Visible):      Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
   Journal:                  Journal size 81920 KB at offset 0x3410001000
   Owners:                   Disabled

   OS Can Be Installed:      No

   Media Type:               Generic
   Protocol:                 USB
   SMART Status:             Not Supported
   Volume UUID:              3A0FE0A0-1B83-3142-BC3A-97690E712867
   Disk / Partition UUID:    8B32B8BE-35B8-41B8-B5D5-E219EEBBD14D

   Disk Size:                999.9 GB (999860912128 Bytes) (exactly 1952853344 512-Byte-Units)
   Device Block Size:        512 Bytes

   Volume Total Space:       999.9 GB (999860912128 Bytes) (exactly 1952853344 512-Byte-Units)
   Volume Used Space:        349.4 GB (349353291776 Bytes) (exactly 682330648 512-Byte-Units) (34.9%)
   Volume Available Space:   650.5 GB (650507620352 Bytes) (exactly 1270522696 512-Byte-Units) (65.1%)
   Allocation Block Size:    4096 Bytes

   Read-Only Media:          No
   Read-Only Volume:         No

   Device Location:          External
   Removable Media:          Fixed


Ora stavo provando questo con gpt :

$ sudo gpt -r show disk0
      start       size  index  contents
          0          1         PMBR
          1          1         Pri GPT header
          2         32         Pri GPT table
         34          6         
         40     409600      1  GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
     409640  235298960      2  GPT part - 53746F72-6167-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
  235708600    1269536      3  GPT part - 426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
  236978136          7         
  236978143         32         Sec GPT table
  236978175          1         Sec GPT header
$ sudo gpt -r show disk1
gpt show: unable to open device 'disk1': Resource busy
$ sudo gpt -r show disk2
gpt show: unable to open device 'disk2': Resource busy

utilizzando repairDisk

$ diskutil repairDisk disk2
Repairing the partition map might erase disk2s1, proceed? (y/N) y
Started partition map repair on disk2
Checking prerequisites
Problems were encountered during repair of the partition map
Error: -69808: Some information was unavailable during an internal lookup

La numerazione è diversa per i dischi rigidi?

Mi piacerebbe vedere se fsck corregge il drive ma ha un errore:

$ sudo fsck -f -l /dev/disk2s2
fsck: -l flag requires a number

Quali argomenti necessitano l'opzione?

posta Chepe Questn 24.08.2017 - 08:34

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