Come faccio a fare il dual boot di Ubuntu su un Macbook pro?


Come avresti dual-boot Ubuntu 12.04 su un MacBook Pro con le seguenti specifiche: 13 ", disco rigido da 750 GB, processore Intel Core-i7, con 8 GB di RAM.

posta Nick Hawes 15.09.2012 - 06:36

1 risposta


rEFIt è il modo migliore per consentire il dual-boot su un Mac. Lo uso per avviare Ubuntu da una partizione sul mio disco esterno, e funziona perfettamente. Assicurati di eseguire il backup del disco rigido prima di procedere.

Install rEFIt and make sure it is working (you should get a boot chooser on startup) Use Bootcamp or Disk Utility to create a partition at the end of the disc. Don’t worry about what format, just make it the size you want for Ubuntu and your swap partition. If you you are using OS X Lion which comes with Bootcamp 4.0 you will need to use the Disk Utility. Boot Camp 4.0 will only allow you to resize if you provide a Windows 7 installation disk. Boot the Ubuntu desktop CD, and select "Try Ubuntu. Start the partition editor (gparted) under System -> Adminstration. Use gparted to delete the partition you just made in OS X. It should be the last partition on the disc and follows after the HFS+ partition (OS X). Deleting it will leave an area called unallocated. This is free space, and exactly what you want. Use gparted to manually partition the space on your drive for Ubuntu. First create a SWAP area of about 1GB. Then the rest of the unallocated area format as EXT4. Apply changes and take note the label of the EXT4 partition such as /dev/sda3.

Start the Ubuntu Installer from the desktop icon. When prompted, choose to manually partition. Select the EXT4 partition and click change. Select to use the space as EXT4 and root (/) as the mount point. You will also want to check the box to format the partition. Reboot when done with the install, and in the rEFIt menu, choose the partition tool. It will attempt to sync the partition tables on your disk. Then SHUTDOWN the computer (not reboot), and start it again. You should be able to boot to Ubuntu now. If it seems to freeze on the tux logo, completely shutdown again and try one more time.

Questo è un riepilogo di un processo descritto dalla procedura dettagliata da seguire qui: link

risposta data 15.09.2012 - 06:49

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