Perché le impostazioni scompaiono? Mail, di solito


L'utente Mac di lunga data, curioso del perché, di tanto in tanto, le impostazioni di Mail spariscono semplicemente.

Lo scopro solo quando Mail improvvisamente non riesce a connettersi. Inserisci di nuovo le password.

E non la stessa password o luogo (diversi account di posta elettronica.) Potrebbe essere il server p / w mancante, o il POP3. Uno dei piccoli misteri della vita, è persistito almeno da Lion.

Le voci del portachiavi vanno bene, il portachiavi e in effetti l'intero sistema è ben mantenuto. Quindi dove vanno? Cosa li cancella e perché?

posta Zo219 16.06.2013 - 00:56

1 risposta


Ecco la spiegazione dal supporto tecnico del mio fornitore:

We think you should turn off [automatically manage connection settings]; there should never be any reason for it to use different ones. You always want it to stick with the recommended port 587 (etc.), no matter what.

The trouble with that feature is that if your ISP connection stops working for a second, and Apple Mail can't connect, it will think "oh, the settings might be wrong, so let's try a different port". It tries something else at random, and maybe it works, because your ISP connection is working again. But Apple Mail wrongly assumes the port setting was the trouble -- so it saves the new setting! And then you're using something weird that only works on certain networks, etc., when it would have been better to keep the original "works everywhere" port number.

Apple Mail is the only program we know of that does anything like this, and it's not a good idea, really; it's designed to help people if their mail server company changes things, but can cause problems in other cases. We've even seen cases where it randomly changes the settings to something that can never possibly work on any servers, although it's not supposed to.

A riprova di questa spiegazione, quando l'ho spento e ho rivelato le impostazioni della porta, erano diverse per ogni account (ma tutte erano sbagliate).

risposta data 13.01.2017 - 03:50

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