Esiste un modo per impostare un collegamento all'applicazione nel riquadro delle preferenze della tastiera tramite Terminale?


Mi piacerebbe avere un bootstrap per le mie scorciatoie da tastiera personalizzate da utilizzare su più macchine ...

posta Lane 18.05.2013 - 03:58

2 risposte


Potresti utilizzare il comando defaults su ~/Library/Preferences/ .

Lo structor del file sembra un po 'troppo complesso, ma: *

131072: Shift
262144: Control
524288: Option
1048576: Command

Add modifier values together in the 3rd parameter to combine them.

{ AppleSymbolicHotKeys = {

# Move focus to the menu bar - Control, F2
7 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 120, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the Dock - Control, F3
8 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 99, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to active or next window - Control, F4
9 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 118, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to window toolbar - Control, F5
10 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 96, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to floating window - Control, F6
11 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 97, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Control, F1
12 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 122, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Change the way Tab moves focus - Control, F7
13 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 98, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn zoom on or off - Command, Option, 8
15 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 56, 28, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Zoom in - Command, Option, =
17 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 61, 24, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Zoom out - Command, Option, -
19 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 45, 27, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Reverse Black and White - Command, Control, Option, 8
21 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 56, 28, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn image smoothing on or off - Command, Option, \
23 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 92, 42, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Increase Contrast - Command, Control, Option, .
25 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 46, 47, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Decrease Contrast - Command, Control, Option, ','
26 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 44, 43, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the next window in application - Command, backtic
27 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 96, 50, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Save picture of screen as file - Command, Shift, 3
28 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 51, 20, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Copy picture of screen to clipboard - Command, Control, Shift, 3
29 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 51, 20, 1441792 ); type = standard; }; };

# Save picture of selected area as file - Command, Shift, 4
30 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 52, 21, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Copy picture of selected area to clipboard - Command, Control, Shift, 4
31 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 52, 21, 1441792 ); type = standard; }; };

# All Windows - F9
32 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 101, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Application Windows - F10
33 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 109, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# All Windows (Slow) - F9
34 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 101, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Application Windows (Slow) - F10
35 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 109, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Desktop - F11
36 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 103, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Desktop (Slow) - F11
37 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 103, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Command, Option, T
50 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 116, 17, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the window drawer - Command, Option, quote
51 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 39, 50, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn Dock Hiding On/Off - Command, Option, D
52 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 100, 2, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - F14
53 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 107, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - F15
54 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 113, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Option, F14
55 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 107, 524288 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Option, F15
56 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 113, 524288 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the status menus - Control, F8
57 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn VoiceOver on / off - Command, F5
59 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 96, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Select the previous input source - Command, Option, Space
60 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 32, 49, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Select the next source in the Input Menu - Command, Option, Shift, Space
61 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 32, 49, 1703936 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dashboard - F12
62 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 111, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dashboard (Slow) - F12
63 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 111, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Spotlight search field - Command, Shift, Space
64 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 49, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Spotlight window - Control, Shift, Space
65 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 49, 393216 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dictionary MouseOver - Command, Shift, E
70 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 101, 2, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Hide and show Front Row - Command, Esc
73 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 53, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Activate Spaces - F8
75 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Activate Spaces (Slow) - Shift, F8
76 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Left - Control, Left
79 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 123, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Right - Control, Right
81 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 124, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Down - Control, Down
83 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 125, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Up - Control, Up
85 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 126, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Help Menu - Command, Shift, /
91 = { enabled = 0; };
92 = { enabled = 0; };
98 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 47, 44, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 1 - Control, 1
118 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 18, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 2 - Control, 2
119 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 19, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 3 - Control, 3
120 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 20, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 4 - Control, 4
121 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 21, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

122 = { enabled = 0; };
123 = { enabled = 0; };
124 = { enabled = 0; };
125 = { enabled = 0; };
126 = { enabled = 0; };
127 = { enabled = 0; };
128 = { enabled = 0; };
129 = { enabled = 0; };
130 = { enabled = 0; };
131 = { enabled = 0; };
132 = { enabled = 0; };
133 = { enabled = 0; };
134 = { enabled = 0; };
135 = { enabled = 0; };
136 = { enabled = 0; };
137 = { enabled = 0; };
138 = { enabled = 0; };
139 = { enabled = 0; };
140 = { enabled = 0; };
141 = { enabled = 0; };
142 = { enabled = 0; };
143 = { enabled = 0; };
144 = { enabled = 0; };
145 = { enabled = 0; };
146 = { enabled = 0; };
147 = { enabled = 0; };
148 = { enabled = 0; };
149 = { enabled = 0; };
}; }

Due fonti decenti:

* questo è un po 'datato

risposta data 18.05.2013 - 04:20

Le scorciatoie per tutte le applicazioni sono memorizzate in ~ / Library / Preferences / .GlobalPreferences.plist e le scorciatoie specifiche dell'applicazione sono memorizzate in ~/Library/{,Containers/*/Data/Library/}Preferences/*.plist .

defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents '{
"Show in Finder" = "$@r";
"Reveal" = "$@r";
"Minimize" = "
defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents '{
"Show in Finder" = "$@r";
"Reveal" = "$@r";
"Minimize" = "%pre%";
"Minimize All" = "%pre%";

defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents '{
"Reopen Last Closed Window" = "~@r";
"Reopen All Windows from Last Session" = "~$@r";
"Mail Contents of This Page" = "%pre%";
"; "Minimize All" = "%pre%"; }' defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents '{ "Reopen Last Closed Window" = "~@r"; "Reopen All Windows from Last Session" = "~$@r"; "Mail Contents of This Page" = "%pre%"; }'

Il formato di scelta rapida è descritto nel link . Se una voce di menu è stata assegnata a zero, premendo L lo si innesca in alcune applicazioni come Audacity.

risposta data 18.05.2013 - 13:10

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