Apertura di app nello stesso desktop


Ho 10.8.5. Ho un portatile con un monitor più grande su un interruttore A / B. Voglio aprire AutoCAD sul desktop 1 sul monitor principale. Voglio aprire Safari sul desktop 1 sullo schermo del laptop in modo da poter prendere una lezione su Safari e fare immediatamente il lavoro in AutoCAD. Non riesco a farli essere sullo stesso desktop. Come faccio?

posta Sylvia 02.06.2014 - 03:01

1 risposta


Attivo 10.8.5

After you connect the displays to your computer, you can choose whether to use the displays as an extended desktop or for video mirroring. If you choose video mirroring, the displays each show the same image. If you choose an extended desktop, the displays form one large continuous desktop.

If you are playing a DVD on a television connected to your computer, click the Arrangement button in Displays preferences and move the menu bar to the television. If you don’t see an Arrangement button, your computer is only capable of mirroring (showing the same image on all screens). For more information, see the manual that came with your computer.

On 10.9.3 (Mavericks)

With an external display connected to your Mac, you can work the way you want. Each display has its own menu bar, and apps can run in full screen mode on each display. Want to use your HDTV as another display? You can easily do that with AirPlay and an Apple TV.

Each display connected to your Mac can have its own windows and full-screen apps. You can spread out your work however you like.

risposta data 02.06.2014 - 13:10

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