Un approccio di programmazione dinamica dovrebbe funzionare.
Per ogni cella:
Riduci il problema di trovare il percorso discendente migliore (più lungo, più ripido) da lì al problema di trovare il percorso migliore da ciascuno dei suoi vicini che è più piccolo e quindi aggiungere il passaggio a quel vicino per ottenere il miglior percorso dalla cella in questione.
Memo (r) ize il percorso migliore da ogni cella lungo il percorso.
In realtà non salva un percorso esplicito, salva solo la cella successiva sul percorso (in questo modo il percorso è lì, solo implicitamente).
Dovrebbe essere eseguito in tempo lineare rispetto alla dimensione della matrice se lo fai correttamente ... a meno che non mi fraintenda il problema, naturalmente.
Il codice potrebbe essere simile a:
public class BestDynamicDescendingPathFinder {
public static int[][] example = new int[][]{{4, 8, 7, 3},{2, 5, 9, 3},{6, 3, 2, 5},{4, 4, 1, 6}};
public static void main(String[] args)
BestDynamicDescendingPathFinder finder = new BestDynamicDescendingPathFinder(example);
System.out.println("Best overall: " + Arrays.toString(finder.find()));
System.out.println("Best starting from some other cell: " + Arrays.toString(finder.unfoldBestPathFromCell(3, 3)));
private int[][] matrix;
private PathInformation[][] informationForBestPathFromCellMemory;
public BestDynamicDescendingPathFinder(int[][] aMatrix)
informationForBestPathFromCellMemory = new PathInformation[aMatrix.length][];
matrix = new int[aMatrix.length][];
for(int i = 0; i < aMatrix.length; i++)
informationForBestPathFromCellMemory[i] = new PathInformation[aMatrix[i].length];
matrix[i] = new int[aMatrix[i].length];
for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix[i].length; j++)
matrix[i][j] = aMatrix[i][j];
// find the best path by getting the best starting cell and unfolding the information for it
public int[] find()
int currentBestStartingCellColumn = 0;
int currentBestStartingCellRow = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++)
if(getInformationForBestPathFromCell(i, j).compareTo(getInformationForBestPathFromCell(currentBestStartingCellColumn, currentBestStartingCellRow)) == 1){
currentBestStartingCellColumn = i;
currentBestStartingCellRow = j;
return unfoldBestPathFromCell(currentBestStartingCellColumn, currentBestStartingCellRow);
// unfold the best path (starting) from a cell by walking the PathInformation structures in memory
private int[] unfoldBestPathFromCell(int colNum, int rowNum)
PathInformation currentCellInformation = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum, rowNum);
int[] path = new int[currentCellInformation.length];
path[0] = matrix[colNum][rowNum];
int idx = 1;
while(currentCellInformation.length > 1)
path[idx] = matrix[currentCellInformation.nextCellColumn][currentCellInformation.nextCellRow];
currentCellInformation = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(currentCellInformation.nextCellColumn, currentCellInformation.nextCellRow);
return path;
// get the information for the best path (starting) from a cell: from memory if available or calculate otherwise
private PathInformation getInformationForBestPathFromCell(int colNum, int rowNum)
if(informationForBestPathFromCellMemory[colNum][rowNum] == null)
informationForBestPathFromCellMemory[colNum][rowNum] = calculateInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum, rowNum);
return informationForBestPathFromCellMemory[colNum][rowNum];
// calculate the information for the best path (starting) from a cell by using the information for best paths from neighboring cells
private PathInformation calculateInformationForBestPathFromCell(int colNum, int rowNum)
List<PathInformation> possiblePathsFromCell = new ArrayList<PathInformation>();
if(colNum != 0 && matrix[colNum - 1][rowNum] < matrix[colNum][rowNum])
PathInformation p = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum - 1, rowNum);
possiblePathsFromCell.add(new PathInformation(p.length + 1, matrix[colNum][rowNum], p.endValue, colNum - 1, rowNum));
if(colNum != matrix.length - 1 && matrix[colNum + 1][rowNum] < matrix[colNum][rowNum])
PathInformation p = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum + 1, rowNum);
possiblePathsFromCell.add(new PathInformation(p.length + 1, matrix[colNum][rowNum], p.endValue, colNum + 1, rowNum));
if(rowNum != 0 && matrix[colNum][rowNum - 1] < matrix[colNum][rowNum])
PathInformation p = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum, rowNum - 1);
possiblePathsFromCell.add(new PathInformation(p.length + 1, matrix[colNum][rowNum], p.endValue, colNum, rowNum - 1));
if(rowNum != matrix[colNum].length -1 && matrix[colNum][rowNum + 1] < matrix[colNum][rowNum])
PathInformation p = getInformationForBestPathFromCell(colNum, rowNum + 1);
possiblePathsFromCell.add(new PathInformation(p.length + 1, matrix[colNum][rowNum], p.endValue, colNum, rowNum + 1));
return new PathInformation(1, matrix[colNum][rowNum], matrix[colNum][rowNum], -1, -1);
return Collections.max(possiblePathsFromCell);
public class PathInformation implements Comparable<PathInformation>
int length;
int startValue;
int endValue;
int nextCellColumn;
int nextCellRow;
public PathInformation(int length, int startValue, int endValue, int nextCellColumn, int nextCellRow)
this.length = length;
this.startValue = startValue;
this.endValue = endValue;
this.nextCellColumn = nextCellColumn;
this.nextCellRow = nextCellRow;
public int compareTo(PathInformation other) {
if(this.length < other.length || (this.length == other.length && this.startValue - this.endValue < other.startValue - other.endValue)){
return -1;
if(this.length > other.length || (this.length == other.length && this.startValue - this.endValue > other.startValue - other.endValue)){
return 1;
return 0;