Anche se è vero che il 5S ha una registrazione video in bassa luce di qualità inferiore rispetto ad altri iPhone, c'è un fatto di fisica fondamentale che devi tenere a mente: per ottenere più luce in una foto, il controllo di altri fattori come come ISO e diaframma - hai bisogno di più tempo per ogni immagine, più esposizione.
Ho appena fatto un test sul mio iPhone 6 e il "problema" persiste.

Daicommenti uno dei link forniti da Doc G . (sottolineatura mia):
When taking a digital image, there are 3 main factors - aperture (or f-stop), shutter speed and ISO (sensitivity). In manual mode on a 'proper' camera you can experiment with all of these to achieve a desired result. In automatic mode, the camera makes all the decisions hoping to manage a decent (fast) shutter speed to combat camera shake or motion blur, a low value ISO to reduce noise, and an appropriate aperture to get the best exposure.
Unfortunately, when shooting video one of these factors is set in stone. At 30fps your shutter speed will be set to 1/30th of a second, and at 120fps this will be 1/120th of a second. If you are talking about low light conditions, then you are required to open the aperture or increase the ISO to compensate. The iPhone 5s has an aperture of f/2.2, so that becomes another limiting factor. The only place left to go is an increase in ISO - meaning more noise.
Therefore the iPhone 5s is either hitting it's (reported) ISO 2500 maximum, or deciding on a compromise value to avoid excessive noise. In other words, if there isn't enough light to be shooting video, you shouldn't be trying to shoot video. At least not until sensor technology improves, which will happen eventually.