In quale futuro nel futuro posso creare eventi sul mio calendario?


Il mio calendario non accetta eventi per settembre 2016 o oltre, ma lo sarà per maggio 2016. C'è un orizzonte temporale o un orizzonte temporale limitato?

posta Mike Jones 23.07.2015 - 20:58

1 risposta


Questo problema è correlato alle limitazioni API stesse e varia a seconda delle piattaforme, del dispositivo, delle impostazioni regionali, ecc. Tuttavia puoi ottenere alcune funzioni bloccate se crei su molti eventi o calendari in un breve periodo di tempo.

Google : link

iCal :

Come raggiungere i limiti del calendario di Google:

If a user sees one of these messages it’s probably due to one of the following reasons:

Creating too many events

If a user has created more than 10,000 events in his or her calendar within a short period of time, that user might lose calendar edit access.

Creating too many calendars

If a user creates more than 25 new calendars within a short period of time, that user's calendar might go into read-only mode.

Sending too many invitations or emails to external guests

In order to prevent spamming, Google Calendar limits the number of invitations a user can send to external guests. This limit varies

depending on the action, and is usually between 100-300 guests.

Google Apps users can send invitations to any number of guests from their primary domain, or from secondary domains associated with

their primary domain.

Sharing calendars with too many users

If a user shares one or more calendars with many other users within a short period of time, Google Calendar might switch into

read-only mode for that user. It’s almost impossible to reach this limit by updating sharing settings manually, but it can happen with some API-based tools or third-party apps.

risposta data 23.07.2015 - 21:46

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