Questa è una domanda di Broadcom e non una domanda Apple. Tuttavia, volevo fornire alcune informazioni di base su come la "modalità di risparmio energetico" del chip WLAN e iOS.
L'abbassamento della potenza di trasmissione è gestito dal chip wireless, non dalla stessa Apple. Ad esempio, in iPhone5 utilizza Broadcom BCM5334 chip in grado di ridurre il consumo energetico (40-50% in meno rispetto alla generazione precedente) e "potenza di riserva in modo drammatico ridotto di 3 ordini di grandezza."
Esaminando specifiche del BCM4334 , scopriamo che ha " Gestione energetica dinamica programmabile " Entrando nei dettagli troviamo che gli stati di alimentazione della WLAN BCM4334 sono descritti come segue:
- Active mode — All WLAN blocks in the BCM4334 are powered up and fully functional with active carrier sensing and frame transmission
and receiving. All required regulators are enabled and put in the most
efficient mode based on the load current. Clock speeds are dynamically
adjusted by the PMU sequencer.
- Doze mode — The radio, analog domains, and most of the linear regulators are powered down. The rest of the BCM4334 remains powered
up in an IDLE state. All main clocks (PLL, crystal oscillator or TCXO)
are shut down to reduce active power to the minimum. The 32.768 kHz
LPO clock is available only for the PMU sequencer. This condition is
necessary to allow the PMU sequencer to wake up the chip and
transition to Active mode. In Doze mode, the primary power consumed is
due to leakage current.
- Deep-sleep mode — Most of the chip including both analog and digital domains and most of the regulators are powered off. Logic states in
the digital core are saved and preserved into a retention memory in
the always-ON domain before the digital core is powered off. Upon a
wake-up event triggered by the PMU timers, an external interrupt or a
host resume through the HSIC or SDIO bus, logic states in the digital
core are restored to their pre-deep-sleep settings to avoid lengthy HW
- Power-down mode — The BCM4334 is effectively powered off by shutting down all internal regulators. The chip is brought out of this mode by
external logic re-enabling the internal regulators.
L'algoritmo utilizzato per ridurre il consumo / l'uscita sarà specifico per Broadcom e non correlato ad Apple. iOS mette il chip al potere solo uno degli stati di alimentazione; non gestisce gli stati di alimentazione.
Ora, per la domanda principale ...
Is Transmit Power Control implemented in iPads?
Se utilizza questo chip (iPad3), quindi SÌ.
The BCM4334 also supports Transmit Power Control on the STA together
with standard Bluetooth TPC to limit mutual interference and receiver
desensitization. Preemption mechanisms are utilized to prevent AP
transmissions from colliding with Bluetooth frames. Improved channel
classification techniques have been implemented in Bluetooth for
faster and more accurate detection and elimination of interferers
(including non-WLAN 2.4 GHz interference).