Come faccio a registrare un video su iPhone con lo schermo spento?


Per risparmiare la batteria Mi piacerebbe poter registrare video sul mio iPhone o altri dispositivi iOS con lo schermo spento. C'è un modo per farlo?

posta Steve Moser 25.07.2016 - 02:39

1 risposta


Sì, è possibile.

Questo metodo funziona con almeno iOS 9.

  • Make sure your iPhone is locked
  • Press the lock key on the top of your iPhone to brighten it, without unlocking it completely
  • Slide the bottom right camera icon half way up, and don’t let go. Keep your finger in this way
  • Slide the camera modes to video, again keeping your finger on the camera slider mode still half way up
  • Tap the big red record button in the bottom middle of the screen; again, keeping your finger still on the camera slider mode still half way up. Don’t worry if it doesn’t show the recording happening.
  • Double press the home button three times,
  • Keep your finger still half way on the slider, until the iPhone automatically turns off its screen. This will take about 10 seconds regardless of what settings you’ve kept in the auto lock feature That’s it. With the screen off, your iPhone is recording a video.
  • To end the recording and save the video, simply unlock the iPhone

Fonte: link

risposta data 25.07.2016 - 02:42

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