Come salvare la password per Cisco IPSec nel client VPN nativo per Mac?


Ogni volta che mi collego a Cisco VPN utilizzando il client VPN integrato, mi chiede la password. Mi chiedo se c'è un modo in cui possiamo salvare automaticamente la password, come usare il portachiavi?

posta Jay Wong 12.08.2016 - 09:07

1 risposta


Questo sembra un bug molto fastidioso e persistente in Mac OS X / macOS.

10.6: Salva la password Cisco IPSec nel portachiavi:

Mac OS X Snow Leopard added the support for Cisco IPSec VPN connections – that is, plain IPSec with XAuth authentication and mode_cfg.

That makes it two layers of authentication: first, Machine Authentication with a password (Shared Secret) or an X509 certificate. Then a traditional username-password pair for XAuth, both of which you can enter and save in the Account Name and Password fields respectively when you set up the connection. Trouble is, even though you entered your password and it is apparently saved in the keychain properly, Mac OS X keeps nagging you to manually enter the password every time you connect. Turns out this is a just bug with a simple fix.

Open the Keychain Access Application, select the System keychain and find your saved XAuth password entry in the list. Its Kind field will say IPSec XAuth Password. Open it, then on the Access Control tab click the Plus button to add another application. The file we need to select, /usr/libexec/configd, resides in a hidden folder. To navigate there, press Command+Shift+G, enter /usr/libexec, then pick configd in the dialog. Save your changes and that's it – your saved password should now work.

Un'altra guida che usa belle immagini: link

Apparentemente la stessa correzione manuale dell'aggiunta di configd alle applicazioni permesse dal portachiavi deve essere applicata per l'utilizzo degli strumenti ipsec-vpn integrati.

VPN ipsec richiede la password salvata:


On Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.x) you are prompted to enter your VPN password even though you’ve previously saved it in the keychain You are using IPSec on the built in VPN client on Mac OS X Snow Leopard


This is caused by a problem with the Keychain Access item for the VPN IPSec connection. A two minute fix will sort it out for you.


  • Launch Keychain Access by clicking Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
  • On the left upper pane, under Keychains select System
  • On the left lower, under Category select All Items
  • On the right side of the screen scroll to the bottom and locate the two items called VPN(IPSec)
  • Double-click the VPN(IPSec) whos kind is IPSec XAuth Password
  • Click the Access Control button/tab. The applications permitted to use this keychain item will be displayed below. If you’re prompted for your password, enter it.
  • Click the plus (+) sign
  • When the Finder window appears, press Cmd + Shift + G on your keyboard
  • When the Go To Folder dialog appears, enter /usr/libexec
  • Click Go
  • When the /usr/libexec folder appears scroll to configd, select it and click Add
  • Click Save Changes
  • Close Keychain Access and try connecting to your VPN again
risposta data 26.09.2017 - 17:21

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