Come ripristinare la funzione di cronologia di bash in macOS Sierra


Ho installato Sierra OS sul mio iMac senza problemi. Ma quando apro Terminale, non posso scorrere la cronologia di bash quando preme la freccia su.

posta George Levi 13.10.2016 - 13:58

2 risposte


Dai un'occhiata a /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal . Il file contiene commenti che spiegano come disabilitare bash_sessions:

# The save/restore mechanism is disabled if the following file exists:
# ~/.bash_sessions_disable

o semplicemente disabilita il meccanismo della cronologia shell

# You may disable this behavior and share a single history by setting
# SHELL_SESSION_HISTORY to 0. There are some common user customizations
# that arrange to share new commands among running shells by
# manipulating the history at each prompt, and they typically include
# 'shopt -s histappend'; therefore, if the histappend shell option is
# enabled, per-session history is disabled by default. You may
# explicitly enable it by setting SHELL_SESSION_HISTORY to 1.
risposta data 13.10.2016 - 16:22

Puoi forse anche ripristinare il file .bash_history (nascosto) dal backup TimeMachine Trovato in HomeFolder.

risposta data 13.10.2016 - 19:54

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